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Our Foundation Spiritual Principles:


  • G-d is Absolute Good, everywhere present.
  • Every human being is an expression of the divine; the Christ Spirit, by whatever name, indwells all people. Their very essence is of G-d, and therefore they are also inherently good.

  • Human beings create their experience by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.

  • Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with G-d-mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.

  • Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the Truth that he or she knows.

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Weekly Message for August 30, 2020


                Let us register this in our mind right now: "Assume the consciousness of already having what you desire."

               Most of us have been taught not to assume or to make assumptions but this is a psychological idea not a spiritual one. When we work with spiritual principles we are dealing with only one thing, consciousness.  Our own consciousness. That which we are to assume for ourselves is synonymous with acceptance and faith.

                In his ground-breaking book written in 1952, "The Power of Awareness" Neville wrote the following:  "You must be conscious of being healthy if you are to know what health is. You must be conscious of being secure if you are to know what security is. Therefore, to incarnate a new and greater value of yourself, you must assume that you already are what you want to be and then live by faith in this assumption - which is not yet incarnate in the body of your life - in confidence that this new value or state of consciousness will become incarnated through your absolute fidelity to the assumption that you are that which you desire to be. This is what wholeness means, what integrity means. They mean submission of the whole self to the feeling of the wish fulfilled in certainty that that new state of consciousness is the renewing of mind which transforms."

                Several years ago I had a woman come to me for counseling who desired to get married. She had not had a date in several years and was worried that she would end up an "old maid" .. her words not mine, and she also desired to have children and felt that her time was running out. I found her to be a very attractive woman and she had an amiable personality. I must confess I was a little surprised that she was having this difficulty. As our counseling session progressed she told me that she had come from divorced parents and was estranged from both her mother and father for years. She admitted that she did not have much faith in marriage and had never really given it much thought until recently. I encouraged her to displace this idea with thoughts of a beautiful wedding, being part of a loving and happy couple taking their vows to love and cherish each other. I suggested to her that she had the power to do just this by making use of the most powerful force that is inherent within each and everyone of us, her imagination. I further suggested that she purchase Wedding and Bridal Magazines and use the photos contained within them to trigger her imagination to become lively and spirited. This she agreed to do with enthusiasm. Within a year of our first counseling session, she invited me to officiate at her wedding to take place on the island of St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands.

                 From the mystical Neville:  'You are free to choose the concept you will accept of yourself. Therefore, you possess the power of intervention, the power which enables you to alter the course of your future. The process of rising from your present concept to a higher concept of yourself is the means of all true progress. The higher concept is waiting for you to incarnate it in the world of experience."

                 Neville was one of a number of mystics that believed that our imagination is the "Christ in you, the hope of glory."  The Master Mind Jesus told us that "the kingdom of G-d is within you." I believe this Christ and this kingdom of G-d is our consciousness strengthened by our powerful imagination. You may not agree with me, but "assume" that I am correct and begin right where you are to transform your life.

Keep the Faith!
Henry Lee Bates
(Reverend Dr.)

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The Way to a Wonderful Life / Reverend Dr. Henry Lee Bates
Henry Lee Bates, Inc.