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  • G-d is Absolute Good, everywhere present.
  • Every human being is an expression of the divine; the Christ Spirit, by whatever name, indwells all people. Their very essence is of G-d, and therefore they are also inherently good.

  • Human beings create their experience by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.

  • Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with G-d-mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.

  • Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the Truth that he or she knows.

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Weekly Message for June 7, 2020


                This week I came across several writings regarding the difference between Karma and the biblical statement of "as you sow, so shall you reap." At first glance they would appear to be the same teaching but as with so many things religions have complicated their understanding.

                This is from ibelieve.com ... "On a surface level perspective, karma bridges the gap between good actions (or intentions) and good results as well as bad actions (or intentions) and bad results. Essentially, what a person reaps in this life can be a consequence of what they sowed in their previous lives. What a person sows now, they will reap in a future life. And karma can accumulate, giving you a chance to balance out positive or negative consequences."

                Interesting thought, but in reality, we are always living in the Now (in this moment) with the consciousness that we possess in the Now.

                When we take religion out of out intention to understand karma and sowing and reaping we can look at the two concepts with greater intelligence. Imagine if you will that  you are living through this life with something negative from a previous life hanging over your head. Yet, very few, and I mean very few, people actually remember their previous lives. How unfair that would be to be punished or rewarded for something we have no memory of.

                To think or believe this is a contradiction of the Intelligence that rules through Law. To teach that we are rewarded or punished in a future life is to accept religion's false teaching of a heaven and a hell.

                  Reading further in the article from ibelieve.com we can read "in sowing and reaping we see that Jesus Christ did the work for us" ... Oy! Religion makes itself a joke. Why do intelligent people continue to support this  kind of false theology? Most likely because it allows them to, in their mind, escape the responsibility for their actions and words.

                The final statement in the article "we are justified by faith" is cringe worthy. Faith divorced from intelligence is a fairytale of confusion.
Keep the Faith!
Henry Lee Bates
(Reverend Dr.)

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The Way to a Wonderful Life / Reverend Dr. Henry Lee Bates
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