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  • G-d is Absolute Good, everywhere present.
  • Every human being is an expression of the divine; the Christ Spirit, by whatever name, indwells all people. Their very essence is of G-d, and therefore they are also inherently good.

  • Human beings create their experience by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.

  • Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with G-d-mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.

  • Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the Truth that he or she knows.

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Weekly Message for April 12, 2020


                These mystical words are from The Science of Mind: "To practice the Presence of G-d is to awaken within us the Christ Consciousness.  Christ is G-d in the soul of mankind.  The resurrection is the death of the belief that we are separated from G-d.  For death is to the illusion alone and not to Reality.  G-d did not die.  What happened was that mankind awoke to Life.  The awakening must be on the part of mankind since G-d already is Life.
                To practice the Presence of the Divine in others is to practice mental healing for it is a recognition of this Divine Presence which heals.  All the words used in the process of healing are for the purpose of building up the realization that
“I Am is in the midst of thee.”

           We have, at least not the majority of us, have learned from our first days on this planet that we are part of the Divine.  Our intelligence, power of choice and mind is a unique individualization of the Intelligence, Power and Spirit we call G-d for lack of a better word.  To realize that G-d is omnipresent; that is, everywhere present and present in everything is to understand Life to the highest degree.  Most of us have had moments when we have had this realization but only a few have held this realization in mind every day, all day.  The Master Mind Jesus was one of the few, as was the Buddha, Krishna and Paramahansa Yogananda.  Others have held this realization to the degree that it created within them the ability to heal themselves and others consistently; Thomas Troward, Mary Baker Eddy, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Joel Goldsmith, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Ernest Holmes and W. Frederic Keeler to name a few. Each knew in consciousness that "I Am is in the midst of thee" meant the Divine was within them and they could make use of this Power and Intelligence to heal.  We all have this ability to have this awareness of the Divine within to the degree that through the power of our mind we can heal ourselves and heal others, although our ability to do so may not be as consistent has those previously referred to.
“... in the beginning G-d made mankind perfect, but mankind has sought out many inventions.” It very boldly declares that death and resurrection are inventions of the human mind and not a decree of the Almighty. Referring to Adam and to Christ, the Bible says, “The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.” And when the disciples of Jesus asked him, “What is G-d’s relationship to the dead?” he replied, “G-d is not a G-d of the dead but of the living, for in G-d's sight all are alive.” In other words, the Bible clearly states that we are living in a spiritual Universe, governed by mental laws; that there is an action of Consciousness, as Law, upon Substance, forever producing form, and forever withdrawing from any particular form, thus producing another; that the form changes but the Formless never." ... from the mystical Ernest Holmes' Science of Mind.

             In these few words Ernest Holmes is telling us an eternal and immutable Truth; Life can never die, that death and resurrection are of the human mind but in the Omnipresence of G-d Life, our life and all life, is eternal; both here and in the hereafter.

Ernest Holmes further tells us ... "the Cosmic Order is the Divine Mind; the Universe in which we live is a Spiritual System; we are spiritual beings but we do not know it, we do not understand it. In our ignorance we misuse our divinity without changing or destroying it. We can never change Reality, cannot destroy It nor break Its laws; but we place ourselves in such a position to It that It appears limited and unhappy and even appears to die. “By mankind came death, by mankind came also the resurrection of the dead.” What is this but stating that mankind figured out how to die and how to be born again? G-d had nothing to do with it, because G-d “is not a G-d of the dead but of the living: for all live unto G-d.”  We are, therefore, members of the Universe, and being members of that which unites everything, we are some part of each other!  “I Am the vine and we are the branches...”  Jesus’ words were symbols of the Universe in which we live."

             The Master Mind Jesus couldn't have said it better.  We are all connected to G-d and in turn connected to each other.  There is only One Life, that Life is G-d and that Life is ours eternally.  Resurrect then takes place in our mind.  We resurrect our health through the power of our mind.  We create success through the power of our mind.  Through the power of our mind we choose to be happy or to be miserable.  The spirit within us is the Christ within us; that part of G-d Intelligence, Power and Spirit that is ours to use to sustain and maintain the life of our choosing.

Keep the Faith!
Henry Lee Bates
(Reverend Dr.)

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The Way to a Wonderful Life / Reverend Dr. Henry Lee Bates
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