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The Way to a Wonderful Life, Sunday, December 1, 2013 

Listen to the Radio Broadcast of this Message:  click here
            "It is not that we are to accept anything blindly, but we are certainly not to seek God through intellectual reasoning.  The things of God are foolishness to man; that is, to mortal man.  "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils:  for wherein is he to be accounted of?" (Isaiah, ancient wisdom) Do not look at a mortal man and hope to find God.  If you do, you will not find healing, because the spiritual world does not heal human beings.  The spiritual teaching reveals the Son of God, the Christ being, and it does not do that through human reasoning or thinking.  The Son of God is revealed through spiritual intuition.  Do not permit yourself to be cheated out of the wonderful glories of heaven on earth by a reliance on intellect.  You cannot achieve heaven on earth with the thinking process.  Beyond the five physical senses, beyond the sixth sense which we call intuition, there is a seventh sense which operates even above the intuition - that seventh sense is spiritual discernment or spiritual consciousness." - Joel Goldsmith, The Master Speaks

        Throughout history the world has given us various man-made-gods that not only offends the intellect but denies the profound spiritual revelations contained in the Holy Scriptures.  The mysticism in the Torah and the Holy Bible have been dismissed in favor of religious dogma and this has created a human experience where there is a belief in a separation from G-d and a separation from each other.  And this is why so much of the world's discord can be traced back to organized religion.  Even those who have moved in consciousness away from organized religion have failed to loosen from their consciousness the subtle dogmas of their own religious or spiritual theologies.  There is something in the human consciousness that craves to "fit in" or to be surrounded by "like-minded" people, and in so doing many have been distracted from the very thing that they were seeking ... spiritual fulfillment gained through experiencing G-d.  In truth, the only G-d we will ever know is the G-d that we personally experience.  In "The Way to a Wonderful Life" we know that our mind must be free of anything and everything that tells us that there is only "one way" in which to experience the Infinite Presence in our lives.  We realize that Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Isaiah and Jesus were all telling us that we must "discover" that Something present in our life experience that words cannot define nor can the human mind ever fully embody.  The mystics referred to It by many names but the one that is most familiar to most of us is "the Christ."  It is the Son of G-d in that It is that part of G-d incarnated within each of us ... "Son" meaning in the nature of the Father.

        In "The Master Speaks" we can read: 
"Everyone, to some extent, is under the claim or belief of human consciousness.  Remember, however, that you do not have a human mind of your own, nor a human consciousness.  The human mind or human state of consciousness is a universal sense of separation from God.  Actually, there is only one mind, the instrument of God.  But there is a false or limited sense of that mind, which we call the human mind or human consciousness.  It is not really mind or consciousness, but a limited sense of the one infinite Consciousness.  Through that limited sense, you look at the body and see the changes that that limited sense depicts."

      Now, Goldsmith is deep, but so are you and me when our mind is open and receptive to spiritual truth.  We too have that deep sense of the soul that goes beyond that which we can see, hear, feel, taste and touch.  And perhaps our times in which we realize that our mind is an instrument of G-d are brief and perhaps fleeting, but we nonetheless know that this is the truth.  As we seek to go beyond the limited human senses and empty our mind of the noise and nonsense that permeates the collective consciousness or race mind, we shall find our way will be made clear to us from that Intelligence which is always seeking to impart to us a Higher Self of us than we have imagined ourselves to be.

Let's look at more from Goldsmith's  "The Master Speaks": 
"What we are called on to do is, not to preach the gospel in the sense of going out and talking it, but to preach the gospel in the sense of living it, showing forth what it is doing in our experience.  Then, strangely enough, we do not have to tell anyone about it.  They can see it in our whole being; and, certainly they can see any health or supply that we show forth.  So we never really need to speak.  When we find our God in secret, that secret will be shouted from the housetops. ... Let us, then, begin with that knowledge.  Let our relationship with God be a sacred and secret one.  Let it be made manifest outwardly only through the appearance of the new harmony of our being and of our body."

For those of you who follow "The Way to a Wonderful Life" this spiritual principle of keeping secret that which is between us and G-d is not new.  As Joel Goldsmith writes "let our relationship with God be a sacred and a secret one" and this is important for each of us as no one will have the same experience as another and discussing it or trying to get someone else to understand it, even those who we consider spiritually knowledgeable, can be frustrating and have a diminishing effect on our interest in the ideas that Infinite Intelligence has imparted to us.  It is similar to trying to get someone else to understand our vision for our life ... they can't see it because it is "our vision" not theirs.  They may get the general idea of it, but they will not have the same sense of it as we do.

      And let's think about these final words from Joel Goldsmith: 
"Spiritual power lies in the awareness of God as omnipresent, as the Presence appearing as individual being.  You can begin to utilize spiritual power any moment that you like. All you have to do is to adopt the first commandment of Moses and the commandment that Jesus added to it, which is also an Old Testament commandment, revised.  There is but one power.  Acknowledge no other power but God, and see God as omnipresent, as all individual being.  Recognize that good is the only power, and evil is not a power.  Evil does not exist as a power, but as an illusion.  The second commandment, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," means that if you believe that you, yourself, are spiritual, or that your mother is, or that your child is, you should then "love your neighbor" - and that means the whole world - with the same love.  Know that God is just as much the reality of this person's being as of that person's being.  In other words, know that God is the reality of universal being, and that there is no being separate or apart from God's being.  Then you are utilizing spiritual power. ... Some time during the day or some time during the night, sit down and give earnest thought to this great truth of loving your neighbor as yourself, recognizing God as the life of all spiritual being, recognizing the one mind as governing the spiritual creation.  Stay with your vision of God as the actual reality, presence, and power of all spiritual creation, and then let that truth govern what we call the concept or outer condition. ... Spiritual power begins with an individual and actually ends there.  If we utilize spiritual power for the realization of God as omnipresence, we then find that it appears here, there, and the other place, and gradually, spreads, until Its light eliminates the darkness on the face of the earth."

As we follow this instruction of Joel Goldsmith consistently and persistently,  we shall discover the ever-Present Christ within us ... and we shall realize, most assuredly, that "the kingdom of G-d" is within us.


Keep the faith!
. Henry Bates

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