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The Way to a Wonderful Life Message for November 2,  2014

           One of my wonderful supporters from Missouri sent me the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda and I was immediately fascinated with the similarities of this philosophy with that of Master Mind Jesus.  Now, I definitely don't mean similar to the "religion about Jesus" but Jesus' actual life philosophy and personal teachings.  These words by Paramahansa Yogananda are a striking example:  "Forget the past. The vanished lives of all men are dark with many shames. Human conduct is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the Divine. Everything in future will improve if you are making a spiritual effort now."  And the Master Mind Jesus stated something of a similar nature:  "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

       Both Paramahansa and Jesus are referring to your Hidden Power ... the power of consciousness filled with faith, first in G-d, and then in our own "kingdom of heaven within" ... our consciousness.  We must strive every day to foster, nurture and strengthen our faith and our consciousness of power and intelligence in abundance.  This is the only way to "draw unto" us the Power and Intelligence of the Spirit, the Almighty, the Infinite, G-d ... our Source of Life, Energy and Spirit.

        Let's get these words of Paramahansa Yogananda into our mind as Truth:  "Such is the paradox of creation, that God exists as the Soul of all men, creating and supporting them, yet does not Himself become entangled with them. And human beings, although saturated with God, are overcome by cosmic delusion and made subject to birth and death. A mystery indeed!
         The wise do not indulge in grief for things that are inevitably changeable and evanescent. Those who always weep and complain that life is filled with bitter things reveal the narrowness of their minds. In God's consciousness, all worldly things are trifles, because they are not eternal. They master the restlessness that is synonymous with mortal life, and experience consciously the complete calmness, or silence, accompanying freedom from identification with the body.
       When such a devotee reaches this immutable state of perfection, he witnesses all the changes of life and death without being moved by them. Identification with the waves of changes leads to misery, for to live and find pleasure in the changeable is to be separated from the Eternal.
      The wise, therefore, are not tossed with the ups and downs of the waves of happiness and misery. They dive deep into the Spirit-Ocean of Bliss, avoiding the storms of delusion, the waves of change that rage on the surface of human consciousness.

        We live in a world that almost expects weeping, grief, complaints and bitterness.  We see it in the movies, religions, politics and in the personal lives of people around us.  Yet, like fear, these are just the childishness of an undeveloped consciousness.  Since G-d is All and being All, all is good, why subject ourselves to the world's negative emotions that just obstruct our self realization of the Power and Intelligence and Spirit that is all-ways available to us?  It is the mesmerized mind that is attracted to these things ... mesmerized by a world that believes we are "only human" and doesn't go beyond this physical assumption.  

       In 1921 Thomas Troward published these words in his book "The Hidden Power" ...
"Entering into the spirit of it." ... "What a common expression!  And yet how much it really means, how absolutely everything!  We enter into the spirit of an undertaking, into the spirit of a movement, into the spirit of an author, even into the spirit of a game, and it makes all the difference both to us and to that into which we enter.  A game without any spirit is a poor affair; and association in which there is no spirit falls to pieces; and a spiritless undertaking is sure to be a failure.  On the other hand, the book which is meaningless to the unsympathizing reader is full of life and suggestion to the one who enters into the spirit of the writer; the man/woman who enters into the spirit of the music finds a spring of refreshment in some fine recital which is entirely missed by the cold critic who comes only to judge according to the standard of a rigid rule; and so in every case that we can think of.  If we do not enter into the spirit of a thing, it has no invigorating effect upon us, and we regard it as dull, insipid and worthless."

       The spirit, that is, the energy that we draw into our heart, mind and soul we draw from the Source of All Energy, Life, Spirit .. G-d.  Your Hidden Power is your awareness that this is the truth about you.  It strengthens your soul to convince yourself of this truth.  It makes the Power, Intelligence and Spirit of G-d available for our "use" in consciousness.  It deepens our convictions that there is no limitation to the good that we can have, accomplish or be.

       This message gives us a lot to think about, so I will end this message with some words that Thomas Troward published in his book; "Let us ... restore the Master's (Jesus) words as they stand in the original: 
"Except ye believe that I am, ye shall die in your sins."  This is an epitome of his teaching."  In other words, we may go through our entire life believing that "power is outside of us" and never discover or develop our Hidden Power ... the Power that is actualized as we speak/think/write our truth as "I am."  Take this thought with you today and every day; "I am inviting the powerful loving action of G-d into my consciousness right now."  This will give you a sense of feeling the Spirit right where you are ... and you will find yourself getting into the spirit of Life in a greater way every day!


Keep the faith!
. Henry Bates

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the philosophy of the Master Mind Jesus. ancient wisdom & the evolutionary science of mind