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The Way to a Wonderful Life, Sunday, July 14, 2013 

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     "At last, here it is, the secret of secrets.  Please pull out all stops and listen with every ounce of your being because I'm convinced that the following few words can turn you into healers and transform your lives. ... Spiritual healing is so simple that it is literally mind-blowing.  It's hard to believe that anything so simple could be so powerful and effective.  That's why we insist on making it mysterious, complicated, and esoteric.  We can't believe there isn't more to it. - Walter Starcke, Homesick for Heaven

             There are people who go through life thinking that every thing is a struggle or a burden.  In this spirit, life weighs us down and both the emotional and physical changes that are the result of this state of mind are unnecessary.  In fact, our focus on the problem can magnify it beyond what it is.  Several years ago there was a popular book titled, "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" ... and it was a good reminder for us to realize that it is all small stuff.  There is no power in things, conditions or circumstances, the power is in the spirit in which we live.  Living with confidence and self assurance doesn't happen by chance.  We must establish both in our consciousness and realize that there is nothing that comes into our life that can defeat us and stop us from accomplishing that which we choose to accomplish.  But, we must put this into our mind every day and for some of us we must affirm it more often than once each day.  Troward tells us that the spirit lies within each of us, but it is our responsibility to "stir it up" ... to awaken to the truth that no one or no thing can make our decisions and choices for us ... and our most important decision is how we choose to live our life and the spirit in which we live it.

         Walter Starcke tells us: 
"To begin with, when we turn to spiritual healing, we want a "spiritual" healing for a "material" problem.  The fact that we believe it is a problem, reveals the spirit with which we view the situation.  The spirit that believes there is a problem is one of confusion and fear.  If not, we wouldn't be thinking of it as a problem.  To effect a spiritual solution means we have to alter the "spirit" of the situation - not to attempt to manipulate the material fact as such.  When our goal is to change a material problem, our spirit remains at the level of the problem and spiritually you cannot heal a problem at the level of the problem. ... we have to accept the fact that spiritual healing only takes place at the level of spirit.  Our prime goal then is to alter the spirit by lifting our own spirits.  We don't change the problem.  We change the spirit.  It's that simple." 

       Dr. Starcke tells us that "the spirit that believes there is a problem is one of confusion and fear" ... I wouldn't use the word fear as I think it is a little strong for this, but I do know that this spirit contains something similar to hopelessness and even perhaps desperation.  Whatever it may be that moves through our mind, if it is not of a quiet confidence, it is not going to give us that which we need to solve our issues and not have them show up again in some other form.  I have had people tell me that their ability to see the results and speak to the results of what they want rather than try and solve the problem has brought the right ideas to their awareness to get the results that they want.  This is in effect, changing the spirit in which we view what we used to call problems.

      When the Master Mind Jesus told us that "the kingdom of G-d is within, not lo here or lo there" ... he was telling us that we have what it takes to be self assured and self confident ... because this Intelligence that created all that we see works through us when our spirit is aligned with Its Spirit and Truth.  We can read in the ancient scriptures "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" ... but we must choose to renew our mind and no one else can do it for us.  Others can help us magnify our faith and perhaps heal our consciousness of lack and limitation, illness and loneliness, but only that which we establish within our own consciousness, our soul, will have permanency to it.  The glorious healings attributed to Jesus fill our heart with love and confidence, but never did he claim that anything other than faith could maintain and sustain the healings over time.  This faith must be a deep seated faith ... it must be embodied on the subjective level of our mind so absolutely that nothing can disturb it.  This is why the ancient wisdom tells us to "pray without ceasing" ... to pray is to recognize and identify that there is always Something beyond our human imagination that is at work in the universe waiting for us to affirm Its personal-ness to us ... so that It can be personalized through us.

     We live in the world, a fact which no one can deny.  And being in the world, we are subject both consciously and unconsciously to the "race mind" or "mortal mind" as Mary Baker Eddy described it.  I call it the "collective mind" ... those predominant beliefs of the masses molded together collectively.  The most self-defeating of these predominant beliefs in the collective mind is "duality" ... the belief in G-d and something else ... the power of evil ... or that which the primitive mind calls the "Devil" or "Satan" ... this belief contradicts both the revelation of Truth found in the Book of Isaiah and the teachings of Jesus.  This belief in duality ... that there is something outside of us that can obstruct our good, keeps "Heaven" up there some where ... and separates us from the good life, the abundant life and the wonderful that is ours to experience in the here and now.  We must ask ourselves daily, what did Jesus mean when he said "the kingdom of G-d is within" ? ... as we seek, we shall find ourselves discovering within our own soul a sense of being in heaven in the here and now.  As Walter Starcke tells us, "the secret of secrets is that spiritual healing is so simple" ... it is a choice to turn from that which we have learned from the world and instead take into our mind the joy of knowing and believing that this Intelligence that created all that we see ... created this very human form that we are clothed in ... is in the midst of us, in our own soul, calling us to realize that Heaven is here and now ... right now.


Keep the faith!
. Henry Bates

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