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The Way to a Wonderful Life, Sunday, February 10, 2013 

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            "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

         I believe most people have read or heard these words from Marianne Williamson's book, "A Return to Love" I knew that I had read them more than once or twice before, and yet, I discovered myself contemplating what is it that makes this so:  "It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."?  And what is the obstruction to this light?  The Master Mind Jesus is quoted in the Gospel of Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."  And this is exactly what Marianne Williamson is telling us so many centuries later.  And yet, there are so many of us who still fail to recognize this light within us and even for those who do, they fail to identify with it to any great measure that is fulfilling and life enhancing.

       After contemplating this for a couple of days, I realized that what so many people "shrink" from is the Love that creates this light within us.  Most of us are aware that Love is a synonym for G-d and that the Power of G-d is a power of Love.  But, this must be more than just something that we believe to be true, but something that we realize works through all things that concerns us.  Love is creative and unlimited.  It is life-affirming and infinite in its capacity to bring a vitality and a radiance to every living thing.  Every species on the planet reflects this as the truth, yet, humans, being inherently volitional, can consciously choose to identify with love or dismiss it.  "We are all meant to shine," Marianne Williamson tells us ... but the person who dismisses the power of Love, fails to fully realize the possibilities that are available to them and therefore these words mean little to them.

      We have learned that "what I am seeking, is seeking me" ... and we know that the way in which to receive that which we seek, is through the fullness of our faith working through Love and Law.  Love provides for us the ideas, the inspiration, the confidence and the guidance to have the awareness of those things that appeal to us and fill our mind and heart with joy and happiness, peace and harmony ... these are the good desires of our heart.  It is the Law that insures that our faith and focus are a part of the unfoldment of our good from the evidence that we realize in the invisible, in our thoughts and the images that come to our awareness, into our actual experience of them ... through Law (sowing and reaping, cause and effect), there is a precise and measured outcome to all that we "think into" the Spirit.  

      Too often people become discouraged when their love or their givingness and forgivingness, is not returned to them in kind from those who are the object of their loving kindness.  But, the Law is universal and cannot be limited and so when we through our thoughts and ideas limit the Law to individuals, we short-circuit, so to speak, the action of the Law in returning to us multiplied abundantly the love that we seek in return.  We often read statements about "self-less love" or "self-less service" ... but the Law does not respond to either of these in any measureable way for it is not of Its Nature to do so.  Nor does it respond to "selfish-ness" in any constructive way.  The Nature of Universal Law is correspondence or reciprocity.  We cannot diminish ourselves with the idea that we do something without a personal or individual benefit for ourselves.  We always benefit whenever we do something that benefits anyone and we should expect that whatever we do that is impelled by Love, must return to us something of a loving nature, otherwise, our sowing is obstructed and whatever it is that we are doing "selflessly" begins to lose its appeal for us.

       From Dr. Frank Richelieu's book, "The Art of Being Yourself" we can read:  "No matter how many possessions you have, your life will be empty until you touch and experience the infinite Intelligence within you.  The only thing which limits this power is you, yourself.  You must unlock the door of inner consciousness in your eternal search to know more about this thing called Life.  I am sure there are many, many inner doors of consciousness which open upon greater and greater vistas of livingness, but the only one you can open at this time is the one that is before you.  Once it is opened, others will present themselves. ... You set your own pace, fast or slow, but what you must do first is to begin.  The Power is so vast and so great that it can release you from all forms of tension and fear, doubt and anxiety, uncertainty and confusion."

       We unlock the inner consciousness with Love; love for the Living Spirit within us, love for knowing that G-d has incarnated a part of Itself within every living thing.  To have faith in G-d will stir up the power of Love within us ... to have faith in this power of Love within us, will bring to our awareness ideas that give us endless opportunities to choose the way in which we benefit ourselves and the world in which we live.  Let us begin to foster and nurture the idea that the Living Spirit within us must be included in the good results of all things that we do; that we must feel our measure of the good that benefits others as well.  There is a great joy to be had in sharing the Love within us, but we must never allow our feeling of being filled with this Love being diminished in any way ... not in the things we do for ourselves or the things we do for others ... for in this thing called Life, we are lost without Love.

         Nothing is impossible, when we align ourselves with the Nature of G-d, Infinite Spirit.  The Love that created us, created us to be a blessing not only to others, but to maintain the highest ideal of our self as an inlet and an outlet for the infinite Love of the Spirit to express Life through us powerfully, radiantly and intelligently, knowing that in the Spirit we are One, not you and me, but One eternal Spirit in the wholeness of Love.


Keep the faith!
. Henry Bates

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